Suggested Recipes
Butter Cream FrostingAugust 20, 2018/0 Comments
Roscon De ReyesOctober 16, 2020/
Sable DiamanteAugust 20, 2018/
Cranberry Chocolate Chip CookiesAugust 20, 2018/
Onde OndeAugust 20, 2018/
Glazed Chocolate CakeOctober 16, 2018/
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Our Mission and Vision
Our vision is to engage in the manufacture and distribution of quality food ingredients and food products and to be the leader in the market segments that we serve. We are a socially and environmentally responsible organization that acknowledges the importance of its customers, employees, suppliers and the community at large.
Our History
PEOTRACO FOOD INC., started in 1924 as People’s Trading Company, a company founded by Mr. Kaw Tek. It was engaged in trading sugar, copra and other commodities. The company later ventured into the manufacture of confectioner’s sugar and became known for its flagship brand Peotraco in the green box.